Exchange 2007 Address rewriting
I need to put an string in the from field to all the messages that come from Internet. That is possible using address rewriting ? Anybody knows ?
in example, my objetive is to do same like this:
Normal email from internet: mail from:
I want to identify those messages with something like: mail from:
I Have this running with event sink and Windows 2000 smtp service.
Thanks in advance
March 13th, 2007 9:53pm
You can use Transport rule like this:
When mail is from Internet,then in mail subject field add some string...
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March 14th, 2007 5:37am
You can add text with a transport rule, but you appear to need a full address rewrite.
You can do this if you have an edge server as follows:
March 14th, 2007 11:08pm
Thanks for your reply, but we need to add the string in the from field, not in the Subject.
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March 28th, 2007 5:01pm